This is for English speakers(英語翻訳版)

HOME > This is for English speakers(英語翻訳版) >FAQ(よくあるご質問)



This FAQ below will answer many of your questions about volunteering.

Please have a read.

●Is parking available?

→We have a parking lot. on our premises, but we are afraid it may always be large enough.

Please bear in mind that there may not be parking available when you arrive.

●Where should we go first?

→?If you are a citizen of Sendai,Please go directly to Sendai City Tsunami Disaster Volunteer Center in Miyagino Gymnasium.

?If you live outside Sendai or Miyagi, before volunteering please get insurance (disaster type)at the social welfare center (Shakai Fukushi Kyogikai) in your city.

Chack out the information on the webpage and go to “Sendai City Tsunami Disaster Volunteer Center”

●What are the work hours?


Those who need the help of volunteers can call us until 16:00.

●What kind of work will we do?

→Your work consists of clearing away debris and mud, clearing away debris and mud, clearing houses and helping people move into temporary housing.

You need physical strength to do work such as clearing away debris and mud, but there are some tasks for people who aren’t as strong such as clearing houses.

●What do we need to bring?

→Click here to get information as to what you need to bring for volunteer work.

●How should we ger insurance?

→In order to get insurance, please go to the Social Welfare Concil (Shakai Fukushi Kyogikai) in your city first.

●What accommodations are available?

→More and more hotels in Sendai are reopening.
Please check them out yourself and take this chance to visit Sendai while you are here.

There is no space to put up a tent around Sendai City Tsunami Disaster Volunteer Center.

Please consider spending money for meals and other things in our area in order to help rebuild our economy.

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